Welcome to Brighter Mind

A brighter mind is not just about intelligence or IQ. It is about having a sharp, agile, and curious mind that is constantly seeking knowledge and learning new things. It is the ability to think critically and creatively, to solve problems and make decisions that are both rational and intuitive.

Knowledge and experience is the sky with no limits that each individual can explore based on personal interests, abilities and available resources.

At Brighter Mind, through the Brighter Minds Brain Development Training Program, we provide resources to explore limitless sky. We help each child to know and reach their potential. We believe in empowering today’s children to empower the future.

Brighter Mind also offers yoga for children and vedic Math which enhance physical and education capability

Our Programs


8 weeks
25-30 hours
9 sessions
Ages 5-15
The Alpha program is an 8-week program. The first two introductory sessions, of 4.5 hours each, are conducted on two consecutive days, preferably on weekends. The seven follow-up sessions, of 3 hours each, are conducted once a week. The Alpha program is a total of 30 hours requiring an 8-week commitment.

Alpha Plus

6 weeks
20 hours
12 sessions
Ages 7-15
The Alpha Plus program is a 6-week program. This module is for those who have completed the foundational Alpha program. This is a 20-hour program over 6 weeks.  


5 weeks
15 hours
5 sessions
Ages 35+
The Restart program is a 5-week activity-led course for adults over 35 to help fight age-related cognitive decline with exercise, meditation, nutrition and more.

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